Must-Pass Test Suite for KMS drivers

maxime at maxime at
Mon Oct 24 12:43:23 UTC 2022


I've discussing the idea for the past year to add an IGT test suite that
all well-behaved KMS drivers must pass.

The main idea behind it comes from v4l2-compliance and cec-compliance,
that are being used to validate that the drivers are sane.

We should probably start building up the test list, and eventually
mandate that all tests pass for all the new KMS drivers we would merge
in the kernel, and be run by KCi or similar.

I did a first pass to create a draft of such a test-suite, which would

igt at core_auth@basic-auth
igt at core_auth@getclient-master-drop
igt at core_auth@getclient-simple
igt at core_auth@many-magics
igt at core_getclient
igt at core_getstats
igt at core_getversion
igt at core_hotunplug@hotrebind-lateclose
igt at core_hotunplug@hotunbind-rebind
igt at core_hotunplug@unbind-rebind
igt at core_setmaster
igt at core_setmaster_vs_auth
igt at device_reset@unbind-reset-rebind
igt at drm_read
igt at dumb_buffer
igt at fbdev
igt at feature_discovery@display
igt at kms_3d
igt at kms_addfb_basic
igt at kms_async_flips
igt at kms_color
igt at kms_concurrent
igt at kms_cursor_crc
igt at kms_cursor_edge_walk
igt at kms_cursor_legacy@basic-busy-flip-before-cursor
igt at kms_cursor_legacy@basic-flip-after-cursor
igt at kms_cursor_legacy@basic-flip-after-cursor
igt at kms_display_modes
igt at kms_dither
igt at kms_dp_aux_dev
igt at kms_flip@basic-flip-vs-dpms
igt at kms_flip@basic-flip-vs-modeset
igt at kms_flip@basic-flip-vs-wf_vblank
igt at kms_flip@basic-plain-flip
igt at kms_flip_event_leak@basic
igt at kms_force_connector_basic@force-connector-state
igt at kms_force_connector_basic@force-edid
igt at kms_force_connector_basic@force-load-detect
igt at kms_force_connector_basic@prune-stale-modes
igt at kms_getfb
igt at kms_hdmi_inject
igt at kms_hdr
igt at kms_invalid_mode
igt at kms_lease
igt at kms_panel_fitting
igt at kms_pipe_crc_basic
igt at kms_plane_alpha_blend
igt at kms_plane
igt at kms_plane_cursor
igt at kms_plane_lowres
igt at kms_plane_multiple
igt at kms_plane_scaling
igt at kms_prop_blob
igt at kms_properties
igt at kms_rmfb
igt at kms_scaling_modes
igt at kms_sequence
igt at kms_setmode
igt at kms_sysfs_edid_timing
igt at kms_tv_load_detect
igt at kms_universal_plane
igt at kms_vblank
igt at kms_vrr
igt at kms_writeback

Most of them are skipped on vc4 right now, but I could see that some of
them fail already (kms_rmfb, core_hotunplug), so it proves to be useful

What do you think? Is there some more tests needed, or did I include
some tests that shouldn't have been there?

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