[PATCH] drm/scheduler: set entity to NULL in drm_sched_entity_pop_job()

Danilo Krummrich dakr at redhat.com
Tue Apr 11 18:13:50 UTC 2023

On 4/5/23 19:39, Luben Tuikov wrote:
> On 2023-03-31 01:59, Christian König wrote:
>> Am 31.03.23 um 02:06 schrieb Danilo Krummrich:
>>> It already happend a few times that patches slipped through which
>>> implemented access to an entity through a job that was already removed
>>> from the entities queue. Since jobs and entities might have different
>>> lifecycles, this can potentially cause UAF bugs.
>>> In order to make it obvious that a jobs entity pointer shouldn't be
>>> accessed after drm_sched_entity_pop_job() was called successfully, set
>>> the jobs entity pointer to NULL once the job is removed from the entity
>>> queue.
>>> Moreover, debugging a potential NULL pointer dereference is way easier
>>> than potentially corrupted memory through a UAF.
>>> Signed-off-by: Danilo Krummrich <dakr at redhat.com>
>> In general "YES PLEASE!", but I fear that this will break amdgpus reset
>> sequence.
>> On the other hand when amdgpu still relies on that pointer it's clearly
>> a bug (which I pointed out tons of times before).
>> Luben any opinion on that? Could you drive cleaning that up as well?
> I didn't find any references to scheduling entity after the job
> is submitted to the hardware. (I commented the same in the other
> thread, we just need to decide which way to go.)

AFAICS from the other mail thread it seems to be consensus to not 
ref-count entities and handle job statistics differently.

Should we go ahead and take this patch then? Maybe it also makes sense 
to send a V2 additionally adding a comment to the drm_sched_job 
structure mentioning that .entity must not be used after the job was 
taken from the entities queue.

- Danilo

> Regards,
> Luben
>> Thanks,
>> Christian.
>>> ---
>>> I'm aware that drivers could already use job->entity in arbitrary places, since
>>> they in control of when the entity is actually freed. A quick grep didn't give
>>> me any results where this would actually be the case, however maybe I also just
>>> didn't catch it.
>>> If, therefore, we don't want to set job->entity to NULL I think we should at
>>> least add a comment somewhere.
>>> ---
>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_entity.c | 6 ++++++
>>>    1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_entity.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_entity.c
>>> index 15d04a0ec623..a9c6118e534b 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_entity.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_entity.c
>>> @@ -448,6 +448,12 @@ struct drm_sched_job *drm_sched_entity_pop_job(struct drm_sched_entity *entity)
>>>    			drm_sched_rq_update_fifo(entity, next->submit_ts);
>>>    	}
>>> +	/* Jobs and entities might have different lifecycles. Since we're
>>> +	 * removing the job from the entities queue, set the jobs entity pointer
>>> +	 * to NULL to prevent any future access of the entity through this job.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	sched_job->entity = NULL;
>>> +
>>>    	return sched_job;
>>>    }

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