[PATCH 2/5] drm/debugfs: disallow debugfs access when device isn't registered

Christian König ckoenig.leichtzumerken at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 11:35:38 UTC 2023

Am 29.08.23 um 13:31 schrieb Andi Shyti:
> Hi Christian,
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 01:01:12PM +0200, Christian König wrote:
>> During device bringup it might be that we can't access the debugfs files.
>> Return -ENODEV until the registration is completed on access.
> just wondering, if the device is not registered, how do we get
> there?

The workflow is:
1. Creation (DRM)
2. Initialization (Driver)
3. Registration (DRM)
4. Unregistration (DRM)
5. Deinitialization (Driver)
6. Destruction (DRM)

It is possible that debugfs files are created during driver 
initialization, but Daniel insisted that they should not be accessible 
until the registration is done (which makes the other UAPI accessible as 


> Andi

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