[PATCH v2 07/11] video/aperture: Disable and unregister sysfb devices via aperture helpers

Samuel Čavoj samuel at cavoj.net
Mon Mar 20 11:08:13 UTC 2023

On 2023-03-20 11:13, Javier Martinez Canillas wrote:
> Thomas Zimmermann <tzimmermann at suse.de> writes:
> [...]
>>>> +    /*
>>>> +     * If a driver asked to unregister a platform device registered 
>>>> by
>>>> +     * sysfb, then can be assumed that this is a driver for a 
>>>> display
>>>> +     * that is set up by the system firmware and has a generic 
>>>> driver.
>>>> +     *
>>>> +     * Drivers for devices that don't have a generic driver will 
>>>> never
>>>> +     * ask for this, so let's assume that a real driver for the 
>>>> display
>>>> +     * was already probed and prevent sysfb to register devices 
>>>> later.
>>>> +     */
>>>> +    sysfb_disable();
>>> This call to sysfb_disable() has been causing trouble with regard to
>>> VFIO. VFIO has been calling aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_devices 
>>> to
>>> get rid of any console drivers (d173780620792c) using the device in
>>> question, but now even unrelated drivers are getting killed. Example
>>> situation:
>> Which drivers do you use?

This happens with either no drivers loaded or the proprietary nvidia
driver. Nouveau is fine as it doesn't rely on efifb but brings its own.

> Also, what kernel version?

I tried with 6.2.6, can build mainline and test there as well.

Thanks for help!

> [...]
>>> Machine has two GPUs and uses efifb for the console. Efifb registers
>>> with the aperture system the efi framebuffer region, which is covered
>>> by a BAR resource of GPU 1. VFIO grabs GPU 2 and calls
>>> aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_devices(GPU 2). GPU 2 has no overlap
>>> with the efifb on GPU1 but the efifb is killed regardless due to
>>> the unconditional call to sysfb_disable(). The console switches
>>> to dummy and locks up from the user perspective.
>>> This seems unnecessary, as the device is unrelated.
> That's a bug indeed but I thought that was already fixed...

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