[Intel-gfx] [PATCH] drm/i915/mtl: Don't set PIPE_CONTROL_FLUSH_L3

Nirmoy Das nirmoy.das at linux.intel.com
Tue Oct 17 18:42:19 UTC 2023

On 10/17/2023 4:42 PM, Andi Shyti wrote:
> Hi Vinay,
>>>> This bit does not cause an explicit L3 flush. We already use
>>> At all? Or only on newer hardware? And as a genuine spec change or as a
>>> bug / workaround?
>>> If the hardware has re-purposed the bit then it is probably worth at
>>> least adding a comment to the bit definition to say that it is only
>>> valid up to IP version 12.70.
>> At this point, this is a bug on MTL since this bit is not related to L3
>> flushes as per spec. Regarding older platforms, still checking the reason
>> why this was added (i.e if it fixed something and will regress if removed).
>> If not, we can extend the change for others as well in a separate patch. On
>> older platforms, this bit seems to cause an implicit flush at best.
>>>> PIPE_CONTROL_DC_FLUSH_ENABLE for that purpose.
>>>> Cc: Nirmoy Das <nirmoy.das at intel.com>
>>>> Cc: Mikka Kuoppala <mika.kuoppala at intel.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Vinay Belgaumkar <vinay.belgaumkar at intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>    drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/gen8_engine_cs.c | 8 ++++++--
>>>>    1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/gen8_engine_cs.c
>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/gen8_engine_cs.c
>>>> index ba4c2422b340..abbc02f3e66e 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/gen8_engine_cs.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/gen8_engine_cs.c
>>>> @@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ static int mtl_dummy_pipe_control(struct
>>>> i915_request *rq)
>>>>    int gen12_emit_flush_rcs(struct i915_request *rq, u32 mode)
>>>>    {
>>>>        struct intel_engine_cs *engine = rq->engine;
>>>> +    struct intel_gt *gt = rq->engine->gt;
>>>>          /*
>>>>         * On Aux CCS platforms the invalidation of the Aux
>>>> @@ -278,7 +279,8 @@ int gen12_emit_flush_rcs(struct i915_request
>>>> *rq, u32 mode)
>>>>             * deals with Protected Memory which is not needed for
>>>>             * AUX CCS invalidation and lead to unwanted side effects.
>>>>             */
>>>> -        if (mode & EMIT_FLUSH)
>>>> +        if ((mode & EMIT_FLUSH) &&
>>>> +            !(IS_GFX_GT_IP_RANGE(gt, IP_VER(12, 70), IP_VER(12, 71))))
>>> Why stop at 12.71? Is the meaning only changed for 12.70 and the
>>> old/correct version will be restored in later hardware?
>> Was trying to keep this limited to MTL for now until the above statements
>> are verified.
> I'm not fully conviced here... this is not what the hardware spec
> says. Am I reading the specs wrong?

The main issue is we are using side-effects of that bit as to flush L3 
but that is not it's primary task.

Unless there is a WA specially mentioned for MTL to use that bit to 
flush L3, I see no reason to use on MTL or further.



> Is there any ongoing discussion with the hardware developers?
> Andi

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