[PATCH] drm/fourcc: add LINEAR modifiers with an exact pitch alignment

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Thu Dec 19 09:02:27 UTC 2024

On Wed, 18 Dec 2024 at 10:32, Brian Starkey <brian.starkey at arm.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 11:24:58AM +0000, Simona Vetter wrote:
> > For that reason I think linear modifiers with explicit pitch/size
> > alignment constraints is a sound concept and fits into how modifiers work
> > overall.
> Could we make it (more) clear that pitch alignment is a "special"
> constraint (in that it's really a description of the buffer layout),
> and that constraints in-general shouldn't be exposed via modifiers?

It's still worryingly common to see requirements for contiguous
allocation, if for no other reason than we'll all be stuck with
Freescale/NXP i.MX6 for a long time to come. Would that be in scope
for expressing constraints via modifiers as well, and if so, should we
be trying to use feature bits to express this?

How this would be used in practice is also way too underdocumented. We
need to document that exact-round-up 64b is more restrictive than
any-multiple-of 64b is more restrictive than 'classic' linear. We need
to document what people should advertise - if we were starting from
scratch, the clear answer would be that anything which doesn't care
should advertise all three, anything advertising any-multiple-of
should also advertise exact-round-up, etc.

But we're not starting from scratch, and since linear is 'special',
userspace already has explicit knowledge of it. So AMD is going to
have to advertise LINEAR forever, because media frameworks know about
DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR and pass that around explicitly when they know
that the buffer is linear. That and not breaking older userspace
running in containers or as part of a bisect or whatever.

There's also the question of what e.g. gbm_bo_get_modifier() should
return. Again, if we were starting from scratch, most restrictive
would make sense. But we're not, so I think it has to return LINEAR
for maximum compatibility (because modifiers can't be morphed into
other ones for fun), which further cements that we're not removing

And how should allocators determine what to go for? Given that, I
think the only sensible semantics are, when only LINEAR has been
passed, to pick the most restrictive set possible; when LINEAR
variants have been passed as well as LINEAR, to act as if LINEAR were
not passed at all.


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