[PATCH 03/17] x86: Replace open-coded parity calculation with parity8()

H. Peter Anvin hpa at zytor.com
Tue Feb 25 03:36:25 UTC 2025

On 2/24/25 14:08, Uros Bizjak wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 10:56 PM H. Peter Anvin <hpa at zytor.com> wrote:
>> On 2/24/25 07:24, Uros Bizjak wrote:
>>> On 23. 02. 25 17:42, Kuan-Wei Chiu wrote:
>>>> Refactor parity calculations to use the standard parity8() helper. This
>>>> change eliminates redundant implementations and improves code
>>>> efficiency.
>>> The patch improves parity assembly code in bootflag.o from:
>>>     58:    89 de                    mov    %ebx,%esi
>>>     5a:    b9 08 00 00 00           mov    $0x8,%ecx
>>>     5f:    31 d2                    xor    %edx,%edx
>>>     61:    89 f0                    mov    %esi,%eax
>>>     63:    89 d7                    mov    %edx,%edi
>>>     65:    40 d0 ee                 shr    %sil
>>>     68:    83 e0 01                 and    $0x1,%eax
>>>     6b:    31 c2                    xor    %eax,%edx
>>>     6d:    83 e9 01                 sub    $0x1,%ecx
>>>     70:    75 ef                    jne    61 <sbf_init+0x51>
>>>     72:    39 c7                    cmp    %eax,%edi
>>>     74:    74 7f                    je     f5 <sbf_init+0xe5>
>>>     76:
>>> to:
>>>     54:    89 d8                    mov    %ebx,%eax
>>>     56:    ba 96 69 00 00           mov    $0x6996,%edx
>>>     5b:    c0 e8 04                 shr    $0x4,%al
>>>     5e:    31 d8                    xor    %ebx,%eax
>>>     60:    83 e0 0f                 and    $0xf,%eax
>>>     63:    0f a3 c2                 bt     %eax,%edx
>>>     66:    73 64                    jae    cc <sbf_init+0xbc>
>>>     68:
>>> which is faster and smaller (-10 bytes) code.
>> Of course, on x86, parity8() and parity16() can be implemented very simply:
>> (Also, the parity functions really ought to return bool, and be flagged
>> __attribute_const__.)
>> static inline __attribute_const__ bool _arch_parity8(u8 val)
>> {
>>          bool parity;
>>          asm("and %0,%0" : "=@ccnp" (parity) : "q" (val));
> asm("test %0,%0" : "=@ccnp" (parity) : "q" (val));
> because we are interested only in flags.

Also, needs to be %1,%1 (my mistake, thought flags outputs didn't count.)

Finally, this is kind of an obvious improvement:

  static void __init sbf_write(u8 v)
         unsigned long flags;

         if (sbf_port != -1) {
-               v &= ~SBF_PARITY;
                 if (!parity(v))
-                       v |= SBF_PARITY;
+                       v ^= SBF_PARITY;


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