[PATCH v5 09/21] dt-bindings: clock: thead: Add GPU clkgen reset property

Michal Wilczynski m.wilczynski at samsung.com
Mon Mar 3 09:55:19 UTC 2025

On 3/3/25 09:52, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> On 03/03/2025 09:42, Michal Wilczynski wrote:
>>>> +allOf:
>>>> +  - if:
>>>> +      properties:
>>>> +        compatible:
>>>> +          contains:
>>>> +            const: thead,th1520-clk-vo
>>>> +    then:
>>>> +      required:
>>>> +        - resets
>>> else:
>>> ? What's there? Also reset or no?
>> If the else: case the reset is not required, as it's only required in
>> the th1520clk-vo, so there is no need for else:.
> That's not the question. I know it is not required, I can read code.
> What is in the hardware?

I noticed the register SW_GMAC1_GRST_N in section of the
manual (GMAC1_SWRST [2]), which indicates a GMAC1 CLKGEN soft reset.
Although this could theoretically reset part of the AP clock, it is not
actually used by the AP clock driver or needed for initialization.

> Best regards,
> Krzysztof

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