On Mon, 2025-02-17 at 16:48 +0100, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
> External email : Please do not click links or open attachments until you have verified the sender or the content.
> Implement the Automated Built-In Self-Test ABIST functionality
> provided by the HDMIv2 IP and expose it through the "hdmi_abist"
> debugfs file.
> Write "1" to this file to activate ABIST, or "0" to deactivate.
> The ABIST functionality can be used to validate that the HDMI
> Transmitter itself works and that can output a valid image to
> the HDMI Display that is connected.
> This is especially useful when trying to rule out any possible
> issue that is related to the display pipeline, as the HDMI Tx
> is always the last component; this means that HDMI ABIST can be
> used even without prior display controller pipeline configuration.
> The expected output is a 100% color bar (rainbow) test pattern.

Reviewed-by: CK Hu <ck.hu@mediatek.com>

> Signed-off-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@collabora.com>
> ---

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