Different surface types

Brian Paul brian.paul at tungstengraphics.com
Sat Apr 30 12:18:50 PDT 2005

Jon Smirl wrote:
> eglCreatePbufferSurface()
> eglCreatePixmapSurface()
> eglCreateWindowSurface()
> eglCreateScreenSurfaceMESA()
> In the standalone OpenGL case where should these surfaces get created?
> eglCreatePixmapSurface and eglCreateWindowSurface don't apply since
> there are no native Pixmap and Window types in the standalone case. So
> that leaves eglCreateScreenSurfaceMESA, it always has to do into VRAM.
> I guess eglCreatePbufferSurface means it can go in VRAM or AGP?

Or plain RAM if need be.

> Can Pbuffer migrate between area?

Nothing in the spec prevents that.

> Can ScreenSurface migrate if it is not attached to an active screen?

I would think so.

> Would the standalone world be simpler if there was just one kind of
> surface that migrated to VRAM if it is going to be used?

I don't know.  But I like the idea of separate types/functions for 
Pbuffers and screen surfaces because PBuffers have traditionally 
always been known as off-screen surfaces and there's some pbuffer 
operations (such as binding to textures) which don't seem appropriate 
for screen surfaces.


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