Sharing surfaces and multiple drivers

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Sat Apr 30 12:56:17 PDT 2005

On 4/30/05, Brian Paul <brian.paul at> wrote:
> Jon Smirl wrote:
> > I haven't worked with PCI Express yet so I haven't figured out how
> > video works on it. How do surfaces work on PCI Express? There are
> > motherboards now (big $$, quad Opteron, Nforce4) that can support 16
> > full 16 lane slots. That lets you plug 16 top of the line cards into
> > the system.
> I don't think there's any motherboards quite like that yet.  The max
> I've seen is something like support for two x16 PCI Express graphics
> cards, plus a few more lanes for a few other slots.

NForce4, quad Opteron, 2200 and three 2050 allows four 16 lane cards.
Forum posts say Tyan is almost done designing a MB for that config.

There is another config of NVidia 2200/2050 for 16 cards but I don't
know if anyone is building it.

But these configs are coming in the future and we should plan for them.

Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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