EGL_MESA_screen_surface proposal

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Wed Mar 16 13:59:37 PST 2005

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 14:51:23 -0700, Brian Paul
<brian.paul at> wrote:
> OK, suppose I don't have goggles and I'm not doing stereo.  I just
> want the two screens to run at the same refresh rate and I don't care
> if they're synchronized!
> I'm trying to provide semi-concrete examples of why I want flexibility
> in the API.  I guess you'll just shoot down everything I come up with.

We can leave refresh and interlace in, but I really did spend an hour
thinking about it and I couldn't come up with a reason why a normal
user would want to pick the inferior mode. Every time I thought I had
a case further examination made it fall apart.

The interlace and refresh stuff is a left over from the pre-DDC days.
Back then you had to manually set the interlace and refresh to match
your monitor. Now we don't need them anymore.

This scheme also works for non-DDC monitors. For a non-DDC monitor you
put the modelines into /etc/fb.modes. They will then get loaded into
the fbdev driver. EGL will pick them up from there.

Ian is not a normal user.

Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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