EGL_MESA_screen_surface version 2

Brian Paul brian.paul at
Thu Mar 17 06:48:51 PST 2005

Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 19:20 -0700, Brian Paul wrote:
>>    TBD
>>New Procedures and Functions
>>    EGLBoolean eglChooseModeMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list,
>>                                 EGLModeMESA *modes, EGLint modes_size,
>>                                 EGLint *num_modes)
>>    EGLBoolean eglGetModesMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint screen_number,
>>                               EGLModeMESA *modes, EGLint modes_size,
>>                               EGLint *num_modes)
> So screens are defined by their "number" in the system right ? I would
> suggest a couple of functions for returning manufacturer/model names for
> the sake of configuration GUIs and the number of screens in the
> system... Ok, now that I'm reaching the end of the document, I see the
> number of screens ...
> I also note that you don't deal at all with geometry information, which,
> while you may not want to be able to configure it from this API, I think
> needs to be made available at least. How screens are positioned relative
> to each other.

That's outside the scope of the EGL API.  An X server would have that 
info in its config file.  Other applications could read the info from 
another config file.  Some applications might even allow configurating 
that on-screen with a GUI.

>   .../...
>>    EGLBoolean eglChooseModeMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list,
>>                                 EGLModeMESA *modes, EGLint modes_size,
>>                                 EGLint *num_modes)
>>    Like eglChooseConfig, returns a list of EGLModes which match the given
>>    attribute list.  This does not set the screen's current display mode.
>>    The attribute list is a list of token/value pairs terminated with
>>    EGL_NONE.  Supported attributes include:
> How do you specify what screen to query the modes from ? There is no
> such thing as a "global" mode list. Don't we need a screen_number
> argument here ? Or do you pass a list as input and get a sublist as
> output ?

I'll add the screen_number parameter.  I missed that.

>>        Name               Description
>>        -----------------  ---------------------------------------------
>>        EGL_WIDTH          Mode width (resolution)
>>        EGL_HEIGHT         Mode height (resolution)
>>        EGL_REFRESH_RATE   The mode's refresh rate, multiplied by 1000
>>        EGL_INTERLACED     1 indicates an interlaced mode, 0 otherwise
>>    Any other token will generate the error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.
> I would add a couple more attributes (see my other message). In fact, I
> think we need at least some read-only per-mode attributes that are
> wether the mode is the display "native" mode, and the vertical and
> horizontal DPI.

DPI can be computed from EGL_WIDTH / EGL_PHYSICAL_WIDTH_MESA, etc.

I'm still mulling over the business of "native" modes.

>>    The value for any attribute may be the special value EGL_OPTIMAL_MESA
>>    to indicate that the "best" value for the given screen should be used.
>>    For example, with LCD screens setting EGL_WIDTH = EGL_OPTIMAL_MESA and
>>    EGL_HEIGHT = EGL_OPTIMAL_MESA will choose the screen's native resolution.
> That's a way to workaround the lack of 'Native' attribute, but I would
> still prefer having one. If not, we could go that way, but then, it
> would be nice to have an eglCompareModes() to compare 2 modes and check
> wether they are identical.
> The client could compare all attributes, but that would break if a
> future extension to the spec adds more attributes.

Well, that's been a potential risk with GLX configurations, but I 
don't recall that being much of a problem over the past 12 years or so.

> I think we should
> really design the API so that the attributes set cna be extended as it's
> the most debated thing at the moment and the most likely to need changes
> in the future imho.

The API already supportes such extensions.

>   .../...
>>    EGLBoolean eglGetModeAttribMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLModeMESA mode,
>>                                    EGLint attrib, EGLint *value)
>>    Used to query mode attributes.  The following attributes are supported:
>>        Name               Description
>>        -----------------  ----------------------------------------------
>>        EGL_MODE_ID        A unique small integer identifier for the mode
>>        EGL_WIDTH          Mode width (resolution)
>>        EGL_HEIGHT         Mode height (resolution)
>>        EGL_REFRESH_RATE   The mode's refresh rate, multiplied by 1000
>>        EGL_INTERLACED     1 indicates an interlaced mode, 0 otherwise
>>    Any other token will generate the error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.
> See above comments about attributes. The more I think about it, the more
> I beleive adding room for arbitrary driver defined attributes is doable
> as long as it's explicitely defined that the client program is not
> supposed to interpret them. I would call them "minor" attributes. We
> could then query their name (or manipulate them by name in the first
> place) and their type (boolean, integer+range, ...) for the sake of
> GUIs, get and set them etc... That would allow something like driConfig
> to be able to make accessible the whole set of attributes of the HW. And
> I'm not thinking about mode details, like gory timing details, but more
> high-lvel stuff that the user will see, like card specific things about
> the type of outputs, TV standards, TV overscan (wether the mode has
> borders or not), scaler modes, that sort of thing.

I suggest you outline another EGL extension layered upon 
EGL_screen_surface which supports those attributes.  It's much better 
to have something concrete to read and comment on than to just toss 
out ideas.

> Of course, that's just an idea, you may not want to go that way, in
> which case I would not insist, though I think at least a few more well
> defined ones in the spec would still be useful then (especially thinking
> about the TV thingies here).
>>    EGLSurface eglCreateScreenSurfaceMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config,
>>                                          const EGLint *attrib_list)
>>    Create a surface that can be displayed on a screen.  <attrib_list> is
>>    an array of token/value pairs terminated with EGL_NONE.  Valid tokens
>>    include:
>>        Name              Description
>>        ----------------  --------------------------------
>>        EGL_WIDTH         desired surface width in pixels
>>        EGL_HEIGHT        desired surface height in pixels
>>    Any other token will generate the error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.
> So the pixel format isn't part of the surface definition ? (Bit depth,
> RGB vs. YUV, ....)

Read the EGL specification's description of EGLConfig, please.

>>    EGLBoolean eglShowSurfaceMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint screen_number,
>>                                  EGLSurface surface, EGLModeMESA mode)
>>    This function causes a screen to show the given surface (or more
>>    precisely, the surface's front color buffer) with the given mode.
>>    If the surface is in any way incompatible with the mode, the error
>>    EGL_BAD_MATCH will be generated, EGL_FALSE will be returned, and the
>>    previous screen state will remain in effect.  This might occur when
>>    the bandwidth of the video-out subsystem is exceeded, or if the mode
>>    specifies a width or height that's greater than the width or height
>>    of the surface.
>>    To disable a screen, the values EGL_NO_SURFACE and EGL_NO_MODE should
>>    be passed as the <surface> and <mode> parameters.
> So that is the one doing the HW mode setting right ? I would suggest an
> additional one eglValidateSurfaceMESA() then, that would do everything
> but actually applying it to the HW. It is not guaranteed that a success
> from validate means a success from a further eglShowSurfaceMESA (and
> unexpected error may occur, or some other card resource may have been
> stolen in the meantime), but again, that would help providing the user
> with a more consistent choice by letting the client check which, for
> example, bit depth (part of the surface no ?) can be used with a given
> mode.

But if the result of eglValidateSurfaceMESA() says nothing about the 
possible outcome of future eglShowSurfaceMESA() calls, is it really of 
any use?

> Also, what about cloning ? Is this dealt with implicitely by the backend
> when the same surface is "shown" on two screens ? 


> (I mean HW cloning,
> the case where the 2 CRTC output of the card can be sourced from the
> same framebuffer region). Or simply out of what you want to deal with in
> this spec ?

The intention is a single screen-surface can be viewed by several 
screens.  That's another use for the EGL_SCREEN_X/Y_OFFSET parameters.

>>    EGLBoolean eglScreenAttribsMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint screen_number,
>>                                    const EGLint *attrib_list)
>>    Used to set attributes for a screen.  <attrib_list> is an array of
>>    token/value pairs, terminated with EGL_NONE.  Valid tokens include:
>>        Name                      Description
>>        ------------------------  ------------------------------------------
>>        EGL_SCREEN_X_ORIGIN_MESA  X origin of surface with respect to screen
>>        EGL_SCREEN_Y_ORIGIN_MESA  Y origin of surface with respect to screen
>>    Any other token will generate the error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.
>>    The origin parameters are significant when the screen's width/height
>>    is less than the surface's width/height.
>>    Valid values for X are in [0, surfaceWidth - screenWidth - 1]
>>    Valid values for Y are in [0, surfaceHeight - screenHeight - 1]
> I would add the DPMS states (power management/blanking) here.

I have no idea what that all entails.  How about writing a spec proposal?

>>    EGLBoolean eglQueryDisplayMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint screen_number,
>>                                   EGLint attrib, EGLint *value)
>>    Used to query display parameters.  <attrib> may be one of the following:
>>        Name                Return value description
>>        ------------------  ---------------------------------------------
>>        EGL_NUM_SCREENS     Number of screens associated with the display
> Ok, here, I have a problem (but it's not your fault) :) I'm not sur what
> exactly an EGLDisplay is. Does it represent the global system
> environment ? A specific video card ?

It's roughly like an X Display.  It basically corresponds to a single 
card.  The key thing is that all EGLSurfaces and EGLContexts created 
with respect to a particular EGLDisplay can potentially be used with 
any screen associated with the EGLDisplay.  Conversely, EGLSurfaces 
and EGLContexts can't be shared by different EGLDisplays.  I believe 
the EGL specification covers this.

I think a lot of people have been commenting on this extension without 
having read the EGL 1.1 specification first.  Please read the EGL spec 
first so we don't have to re-explain all that stuff here.

In particular, the new EGLMode stuff is very similar to the EGLConfig 
mechanism.  One of the goals of this specification is consistency with 
the rest of EGL.

>>    EGLBoolean eglQueryScreenMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint screen_number,
>>                                  EGLint attrib, EGLint *value);
>>    Used to query screen attributes.  <attrib> may be one of the following:
>>        Name                      Return value description
>>        ------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
>>        EGL_SCREEN_X_ORIGIN_MESA  X origin of surface with respect to screen
>>        EGL_SCREEN_Y_ORIGIN_MESA  Y origin of surface with respect to screen
>>        EGL_PHYSICAL_WIDTH_MESA   Physical width of the screen in millimeters
>>        EGL_PHYSICAL_HEIGHT_MESA  Physical height of the screen in millimeters
>>    Any other token will generate the error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.
> What about native pixel width / height, technology (LCD, CRT, ...) may
> affect choosing gama tables) and screen manufacturer/name, pixel
> ordering on LCD (for proper subpixel rendering of text), plus a few
> others I'm forgetting now. Are you open to extending the above list ?

Feel free to write additional specification language to cover those 
things.  I never said I'd be able to do all this myself.


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