implement window surface

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Wed May 18 11:00:25 PDT 2005

On 5/18/05, Adam Jackson <ajax at> wrote:
> Either that, or don't.  My mental model of Xegl was that all X rendering
> surfaces would be textures internally, and the server's default composition
> code (equivalent to X without xcompmgr) would apply them to quads that you
> draw into the screen surface.  That's exactly the existing model that Xglx
> uses, where offscreen buffers are composed into a GLX window as textured
> quads.

That's all correct, but you are assuming we only run XGL on the stack.
What if people want to run the normal Xserver or miniglx, etc?

Alternatively what if XGL doesn't have room for all of the offscreen
pbuffers and wants to make some windows direct draw onto the screen

Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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