fbdev egl driver passes glitx rendertest

Brian Paul brian.paul at tungstengraphics.com
Fri May 20 07:27:58 PDT 2005

Jon Smirl wrote:
> On 5/20/05, Brian Paul <brian.paul at tungstengraphics.com> wrote:
>>Are we basically happy with the current EGL_MESA_screen_surface
>>extension?  I'll try to give it the once-over today and send the
>>latest version out.  I think quite a few of the open issues could
>>probably be resolved.
> We should review all of the issues I sent to the mailing list. A top
> one that come to mind is supporting full OpenGL config attributes like
> AUX and ACCUM and true vs direct color.  There were several others.

Right, but I think most of them are orthogonal to 
EGL_MESA_screen_surface.  Here's what I recall:

1. Single/Double-buffered surfaces

    Create EGL_MESA_single_buffer extension to define new
    EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER_MESA token/attribute for EGLConfigs to
    allow creating single-buffered surfaces.

2. Accumulation buffer:

    Create EGL_MESA_accum_buffer extension to define new

3. Aux buffers:

    Postpone indefinitely.  GL_EXT_framebuffer_object is better.

4. RGB vs. color-index modes:

    Is there an immediate need to support color index (i.e.
    PseudoColor) modes?  If we do need color index, we'd need an
    EGL_COLOR_INDEX_MESA token for EGLConfigs and a set of functions
    for loading/getting/managing color palettes.  Maybe other things.

5. TrueColor vs. DirectColor:

    For now, perhaps just treat DirectColor visuals as TrueColor;
    initialize the lookup tables to linear ramps.  If we'd fully
    expose DirectColor modes, we'd again need some color palette

6. eglCopyContext:

    I've already added eglCopyContextMESA() to the sample code
    as the EGL_MESA_copy_context extension.  It's a simple function.

Anything else?


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