Current status of EGL spec

Brian Paul brian.paul at
Tue Sep 20 08:51:30 PDT 2005

Zack Rusin wrote:
> On Thursday 11 August 2005 12:26 am, Brian Paul wrote:
>>I'd call the query EGL_SCREEN_POSITION_GRANULARITY_MESA (returning two
>>values).  The granularity term comes from the queries for point size
>>and line width.
>>If there's no objections, I could add that to the spec.
> Did you by any chance got some time to do that? 

I put it into my copy of the spec here.

> Once this is done could we push the spec for review at Khronos or do we have 
> more open issues?

I'm not involved in the Khronos project.  I suppose the OpenGL ES 
forum on would be the next step for getting feedback.

Unfortunately, I just haven't had much time to work on this over the 
past few months (and nobody else by the looks of it).

I'll check the latest copy of the spec into Mesa CVS.


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