[Dri-users] integrated ATI 760G Radeon 3000 on console and X

Hika van den Hoven hikavdh at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 11:25:53 PDT 2011

Hello Dri-users,

 If have been struggling to get my new machine configured right,
 especially the graphics.
 lspci says I have a integrated ATI 760G Radeon 3000.
 I need a console with decent resolution (1024x768 or 1280x960) so I
 need framebuffer console. I also need good graphics in X on at least
 75Hz, but I don't use high-demand graphics.

 The only combination I have been able to get working is Vesa
 framebuffer in the kernel and Xorg radeon for X. It's ok but the
 console is refreshing very slow.
 I can get the radeondrifb to load (by setting "Enable modesetting on
 Radeon by default" in the DRM kernel part but then the Xorg Radeon
 driver doesn't recognize my monitor anymore and only allows settings
 up to 1024x768 on 60Hz.

 I've also experimented with fglrx. I've had it working in X for one
 time, but then the console garbles. I guess because then I used the
 vesafb. Does fglrx support high resolution console?
 Most of the time I got a segmentation fault and of late it crashes
 Linux completely. I've been trying te reinstall the fglrx (including
 removing the amdpcsdb file)

 I run on Gentoo 64 with kernel 2.6.38. I ones tried 3.0.6, but that
 wouldn't include the firmware. The fglrx version is 11.8.

 Does anybody have any suggestions. Could it be that my chipset is not
 (yet) supported or that I need specific driver versions.

Tot Mails,
 Hika                          mailto:hikavdh at gmail.com
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