[farsight2/master] Fix docbook in transmitter docs

Olivier Crête olivier.crete at collabora.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 15:25:20 PST 2008

 .../multicast/fs-multicast-stream-transmitter.c    |   12 ------------
 transmitters/rawudp/fs-rawudp-stream-transmitter.c |   10 ----------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/transmitters/multicast/fs-multicast-stream-transmitter.c b/transmitters/multicast/fs-multicast-stream-transmitter.c
index 5943069..159601d 100644
--- a/transmitters/multicast/fs-multicast-stream-transmitter.c
+++ b/transmitters/multicast/fs-multicast-stream-transmitter.c
@@ -28,39 +28,27 @@
  * @short_description: A stream transmitter object for Multicast UDP
  * @see_also: fs-rawudp-stream-transmitter
- * <refsect2>
- * <para>
  * The multicast transmitter allows data to be sent over and received from
  * multicasted UDP on IPv4.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * This stream transmitter never emits local candidates. It will listen
  * to the port specified in the remote candidate. And will also send to that
  * port. It accepts only a single remote candidate per component, if a new one
  * is given, it will replace the previous one for that component.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * The transmitter will only stop sending to a multicast group when all of its
  * StreamTransmitters that have this multicast group as destination have their
  * "sending" property set to false. Multiple stream transmitters can point to
  * the same multicast groups from the same Transmitter (session), and only one
  * copy of each packet will be received.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * It will only listen to and send from the IP specified in the
  * prefered-local-candidates. There can be only one preferred candidate per
  * component. Only the component_id and the ip will be used from the preferred
  * local candidates, everything else is ignored.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * Packets sent will be looped back (so that other clients on the same session
  * can be on the same machine.
- * </para>
- * </refsect2>
diff --git a/transmitters/rawudp/fs-rawudp-stream-transmitter.c b/transmitters/rawudp/fs-rawudp-stream-transmitter.c
index b185ac1..a1efdd1 100644
--- a/transmitters/rawudp/fs-rawudp-stream-transmitter.c
+++ b/transmitters/rawudp/fs-rawudp-stream-transmitter.c
@@ -28,21 +28,15 @@
  * @short_description: A stream transmitter object for UDP with STUN
  * @see_also: fs-multicast-stream-transmitter
- * <refsect2>
- * <para>
  * This transmitter sends and receives unicast UDP packets.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * It will detect its own address using a STUN request if the
  * #FsRawUdpStreamTransmitter:stun-ip and #FsRawUdpStreamTransmitter:stun-port
  * properties are set. If the STUN request does not get a reply
  * or no STUN is requested. It will return the IP address of all the local
  * network interfaces, listing link-local addresses after other addresses
  * and the loopback interface last.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * You can configure the address and port it will listen on by setting the
  * "preferred-local-candidates" property. This property will contain a #GList
  * of #FsCandidate. These #FsCandidate must be for #FS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_UDP.
@@ -52,9 +46,7 @@
  * that the requested port will be available so a different port may the
  * native candidate. But it is guaranteed that components that do not have
  * specified ports will be sequential.
- * </para>
- * <para>
  * Example: Candidate {proto=UDP, component_id=RTP, ip=NULL, port=9098} will
  *  produce native candidates
  * ({component_id=RTP, ip=IP, port=9078},{component_id=RTCP, ip=IP, port=9079})
@@ -62,8 +54,6 @@
  * if this one is not available
  * ({component_id=RTP, ip=IP, port=9080},{component_id=RTCP, ip=IP, port=9081}).
  * The default port starts at 7078 for the first component.
- * </para>
- * </refsect2>

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