TURN relay in python - nice transmitter

Skorpeo Skorpeo skorpeo11 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 7 23:01:34 UTC 2021


How can I add TURN server info for a nice transmitter in python for
Farstream?  I have tried different things but to no avail.  I am not sure
how to get a hold of the transmitter itself or to pass it parameters
initially.  Right now local candidates generated are only of type "host".

I use the function stream.set_transmitter("nice") which appears to also
allow for a parameter argument.  I can get as far as:

relay_structure = Gst.Structure.new_empty("relay-info")
relay_structure.set_value("ip", "123.45.678.999")
relay_structure.set_value("port", 3478)
relay_structure.set_value("username", "user1")
relay_structure.set_value("password", "user1pwd")
relay_structure.set_value("relay-type", "udp")

but I am not sure how to pass this parameter to stream.set_transmitter() or

I also see the function nice_agent_set_relay_info in the source but I am
not sure how to use it or access it in python.

I would also like to add STUN but just trying to figure out TURN first...

Any help would be massively appreciated!

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