missing cursors on org.gnome.Platform

Christian Hergert christian at hergert.me
Tue Dec 27 21:50:21 UTC 2016

It looks like the symlinks that adwaita-icon-theme creates are missing
in the org.gnome.Platform/Sdk.

I found a recent build (Dec 8th) that had a change that resulted in
adwaita-icon-theme to rebuild:


Look for "for d in $themedirs" in the build log.

It *looks* like the install-data-hook stage is being executed to create
the CSS icon name symlinks, but if you run the runtime with `flatpak run
org.gnome.Platform` you do not see the symlinks in

Any thoughts on why that might be?

The symptom is that "hover" cursors over links in Gtk applications use
the X11 cursor instead of the proper named CSS cursor. (Extra bad on
HiDPI systems where the cursor size becomes tiny).

-- Christian

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