Adding AppData files for frameworks

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Fri Jan 8 14:43:44 UTC 2016

On 8 January 2016 at 14:24, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
> Well, this is a *lot* of work. I'm not looking forward to it. I guess
> it just something that needs to be done though.

Well, not really. Atm when I'm building the AppStream data for Fedora
I also use the rpm licence as a fallback (converting to SPDX in the
process) so if you're building a platform out of rpms a lot of the
work is already done for you. If you're not using rpms/debs, then it
is a lot of work.

> Yeah. Not sure what the translation story is there.

I'd say just make it translatable, and we can always hook up transifex
if it's required.


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