Your site insturctions for installing Flatpak needs updating

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Wed Jun 15 15:34:26 UTC 2016

On Tue, 2016-06-14 at 22:58 +0000, David Hall wrote:
> Greetings 
> I am trying to install the latest version of PITIVI via your Flatpak
> option but in doing so I got the followin
> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak
> 'This PPA does not support trusty'
> Cannot add PPA: ''This PPA does not support trusty''.
>   after carrying out your instructions 
> Your assistance in getting beyond this point will be much appreciated

The current PPAs only support xenial. If there is a lot of requests for
support for older versions that could be added, but there is only so
much time to support older versions, and xenial is the new LTS, so I'm
assuming many people will update to it soon.

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