Flatpak and LaTeX

Sébastien Wilmet swilmet at gnome.org
Wed Jun 22 06:00:42 UTC 2016


I'm trying to create a Flatpak for LaTeXila, a LaTeX editor. You can
find a JSon manifest file on this branch:

The application runs fine, except for compiling documents. LaTeXila
launches a GSubprocess with a LaTeX command. But LaTeX is not installed
inside the sandbox, so the command fails.

But the whole TeX Live distribution is quite huge to bundle.

How can it be handled with Flatpak?

LaTeXila uses the GNOME runtime. But an application can depend on only
one runtime. So the only solution that I see is that the host OS must
provide TeX Live (usually just a subset of it), with a portal. But it
would need to adapt the LaTeXila implementation to use the portal
instead of GSubprocess.

Or is there a concept of volume, like Docker has?


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