The xdg-app story

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Wed Mar 30 10:18:12 UTC 2016

On 30 March 2016 at 11:09, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
> One is the origin="xdg-app", type="xdg-app" and X-XdgApp-Tags=.. in the
> appdata. Richard would know if changing this is a problem?

Not a problem, I can support this in libappstream-glib very easily.

> The second is that the summary has a "xa.title" metadata extension in
> the summary. However, that can be rewritten during zapp remote-update,
> and it is completely optional, so it doesn't affect anything important.

I think xa is fine fwiw.

> 3) Already existing software using xdg-app apis should not break.
> Note: this doesn't include gnome-software which would need some serious
> changes to handle the new name for libxdg-app anyway.

Sure, I was just going to C&P the xdg-app plugin and rename all the
symbols with the new prefix, making one plugin conflict with the

> This isn't a lot, and in fact, we could probably keep the "xa.*"
> namespace making it even less.

Works for me.

> Pronunciation!
> Is it "zap!", or is it "zee-app"?

In my head it's been ZAP! like in Batman and Robin, as ZeeApp would be
"Le ZeeApp" in French. :)


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