Crosscompilation beyond qemu

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Tue Apr 11 15:35:14 UTC 2017

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2017-04-04 at 03:00 +0200, Aleix Pol wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We can't compile QtWebEngine (Chromium inside) in 32bit architectures
>> because ld requires more memory than 32bits can address (!).
> Have you tried building with -g1? That causes less debuginfo and less
> memory use.
>> One of the solutions is to allow cross-compilation (or rather
>> cross-linking in this case).
>> Do you think it's an idea worth exploring?
>> If so, where would you look at?
> cross-compilation tend to be very painful and require a lot of hand-
> holding, so its not an area i would walk into lightly.
> You would have to start with building something like an cross-build
> SDK. Probably an aarch64 runtime with compilers targeting arm, so that
> you can also run the resulting binaries (as needed in many configure
> scripts, etc). Then you need to figure out how to make each individual
> component cross-build, which is going to require research for each one.

Looks like this needs to be done at some point, as we need QtWebEngine

I am not sure how binfmt works, but would it be possible to execute
native binaries transparently as well? I tried it but it didn't seem
to work well...

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