extra apps and locales

Robert McQueen rob at endlessm.com
Thu Feb 16 17:30:10 UTC 2017

On 16/02/17 15:29, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-02-16 at 10:31 +0000, Robert McQueen wrote:
>> So that leads to my next (this might be terrible) idea which is to
>> add
>> support for a read-only overlay mount to bubblewrap, so in the case
>> your
>> extra app has been "uprooted" from /usr you can add an invocation to
>> this flatpak to layer /app/extra on top of /usr and nobody is any
>> the
>> wiser...
> Overlayfs was considered in the flatpak design and explicitly avoided
> for several reasons:

See... I thought it might be a bad idea. :(

> * Its not considered safe by the kernel people to expose as mountable
>   by unprivileged user namespaces.

Right - I did search for overlayfs and usernamespaces and found the LWN 
article about the exploit that was only applicable to Ubuntu because 
they enabled this.

> * It adds requirements on the kernel version that not everything has.
> * Its behaviour is not posix compliant, which often causes trouble
>   (for instance you can't untar files on it).

Yuck... TIL.

> * Merging layers is problematic if the underlying layer changes over
>   time, which happens in flatpak (but not e.g. in docker). A toplevel
>   layer could easily accidentally override an updated file in the lower
>   layer.
> So, this is not going to happen.

Thanks for the thoughts!



Robert McQueen  |  +1.415.413.4159  |  Endless <http://endlessm.com/>

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