Announce: Flatpak-builder 0.9.99

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Mon Oct 9 11:59:38 UTC 2017

New release 0.9.99 at:

$ sha256sum flatpak-builder-0.9.99.tar.xz  
09f154e1523ecf535e78fc35c55fc963ce0d553064918f39cb0ec2f2222ca1a8  flatpak-builder-0.9.99.tar.xz

Major changes in 0.9.99

 * Fix git source bundling on older git version
 * New property: appdata-license lets you easily modify the appstream license field
 * New source type "extra-data" which makes it easier to use extra-data apps
 * We now automatically compress debuginfo unless the no-debuginfo-compression
   option is specified.
 * Appstream files called .metainfo.xml are now recognized.
 * New prepare-platform-commands property, similar to cleanup-platform-commands,
   but run before importing all the changes from the SDK.
 * We now apply all the deletions that happened in the SDK on the base when creating
   the platform.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl at            alexander.larsson at 
He's a one-legged playboy cowboy plagued by the memory of his family's 
brutal murder. She's a ditzy mute advertising executive from the wrong 
side of the tracks. They fight crime! 

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