About the <Development model changes, reviewers wanted>

handsome_feng jianfengli at ubuntukylin.com
Thu Sep 28 03:40:51 UTC 2017

On Tue, 2017-09-26 at 14:35 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> With the soon to be release of 0.10 I think we're in a pretty good
> place wrt features and usefulness. I mean, there are still a bunch of
> features on the 1.0 blocker list, but we also closed a lot of them.
 > Until now the development model has been pretty ad-hoc, with some
> work
> happening in github PRs, but others just by me pushing my local work.
 > I would like to change that to be a bit more controlled, with all
> changes going through github PRs, with working CI testing and all
> changes having some review.
> However, that is going to require more people being involved in
> flatpak
>  development, because otherwise we will not have enough reviewing
> going
> on. Are there some people who have time to sign up for doing some
> level
> of flatpak PR review?

Hi, Alexander, can I sign up for this project? I used to do some work in unity7, unity8 and so on (https://launchpad.net/~feng-kylin).

I am very interested in this project and I tried to build some applications in Ubuntu Kylin with flatpak.
I may not qualified to be a reviewer, but I'd love to do something for flatpak! :)

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