Announce: 1.6 python2 ABI break

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Mon Feb 19 08:55:34 UTC 2018

Hi, i'm just about to import the latest build of the freedesktop 1.6
SDK into flathub, and it contains an ABI change that might break some
python2 apps.
The change is that we now build python2 with ucs4 instead of ucs2
unicode size. This means that we will now match the ABI of almost all

This *will* break some apps, but we've done some research on which
apps are affected and will immediately rebuild them. See this for

However, if for some reason we missed some app, and you see errors like:

 undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String

This is the reason, and a simple rebuild should fix it.

I realize that this is not really compatible with the story that
runtimes are ABI stable, but this change seemed important enough to
make that we decided to do this at this point, as it will only become
harder to make later as we get more apps.

 Alexander Larsson                                Red Hat, Inc
       alexl at         alexander.larsson at

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