VSCode case: how to make host binaries available to flatpak app?

Max Ivanov ivanov.maxim at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 16:59:06 UTC 2018

I am trying flatpak for the first time and started with installing
Visual Studio Code. It runs just fine, but
doesn't seem very usable as it expects certain software  to be
available to it: app runtimes, compilers, VCS tools. Certain runtimes
can be made available via lets say ~/opt/ ,such as node or Go, but it
is more problematic for other type of software - GCC, Perl, etc.

VSCode flatpak authors had to bundle Git to make it more practical,
but it is unrealistic to expect them to bundle everything developer
might need. Usually all these tools can be found on a host system in a
working state, but it comes in conflict with flatpak sandboxing

Does Flatpak have plan to address it? Is it even technically possible?

If providing access to host system is something flatpak would allow,
how one would go around things like RPATH recorded in binaries? Only
thing I can think of is lets say mount how filesystem to /host and
then install wrapper binaries for everything in PATH, those binaries
would chroot into /host and execute real binary from there.

Are there any other approaches, not involving proving access to host
filesystem? Like packaging runtimes as optional "addon" apps, and then
let flatpak user to "mount" them into flatpak app sandbox of their

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