I need a "simple" buildsystem.

Lothar Scholz scholz.lothar at gmail.com
Sun May 13 04:23:14 UTC 2018


I don't like autotools (and i would give up Linux before using them in
my project). Can i use the simple buildsystem to generate the unix
typical filesystem of "include/bin/lib/shared" directories and
populate them myself with my files using my very own ruby script?

But your documentation mentions in the description of "build-commands"
that some make and install invocation is still done.  So what must my
build script produce? This MUST get better documented.

And is there any documentation what is in the SDK? How do i inject
build tools like my latest version of the ruby interpreter into the
SDK as tool and not as part of the build result?

I don't think SDK tool bundling is a good idea because there is just
too much. This could soon make the SDK become some kind of  'Linux
Developer Distribution' on it's own . Please only focus on the most
common include headers and shared libraries in the runtime and the
security restrictions.

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