VirtualBox/setuid binaries

Michael Thayer michael.thayer at
Fri Nov 16 09:30:09 UTC 2018

16.11.18 09:50, Michael Thayer wrote:
> A way to run a script with root privileges and a prominent warning to
> the user at installation time would of course be helpful for my and
> Robert's use case.  I can of course see that the Flatpak developers
> might consider it a dangerous temptation for application developers;
> then again I think that you check what gets onto Flathub and could
> forbid most uses there.  I could do this anyway, the main problem would
> be that I would have to tell the user to run the script manually and
> work out the location in the file system, which is not very user-friendly.

Just following up my own post, and coming back to a slightly refined
version of my original idea unless someone suggests something better.
For VirtualBox I could achieve most of what I want by providing a small
additional starter tool to be installed separately from the Flatpak and
referencing it from the desktop file in the Flatpak (instead of using
/usr/bin/flatpak as a starter).  I should be able to achieve that in a
user-friendly way, though of course I would depend on Flatpak being
installed with the standard paths.  Since Endless presumably control
their OS, perhaps they could do something on those lines too?

Michael Thayer | VirtualBox engineer
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | D-71384 Weinstadt

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