Why would anyone install 2GB of "normal" software when same version of that software available in like 100mb elsewhere officially?

Prabesh bhattarai prabesh432 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 07:40:21 UTC 2019

I like the whole idea of 'flatpak' but its really disappointing that why
such need of massive size of software package?
Is it magical? = No.
Is it lossless audio or something like that?= No
Than why?
A picture is worth thousand word, i gonna send u two screenshot:
[image: Screenshot from 2019-01-11 13-20-36.png]
[image: Screenshot from 2019-01-11 13-19-33.png]
A added flatpak repo in Ubuntu software, but now its pointless. Same
software, same version and such big installation file size. Bi
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