Why would anyone install 2GB of "normal" software when same version of that software available in like 100mb elsewhere officially?

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Wed Jan 16 09:48:42 UTC 2019

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 9:41 AM Prabesh bhattarai <prabesh432 at gmail.com>

> I like the whole idea of 'flatpak' but its really disappointing that why
> such need of massive size of software package?
> Is it magical? = No.
> Is it lossless audio or something like that?= No
> Than why?

The size is not typically 2 GB, its just the worst case, and as soon as you
use more than one flatpak installs and updates are much much smaller.
However, due to technical complexities its a bit hard to show the actual
download size in the UI (it depends on what other stuff you have installed).

This is previously discussed here:

In the specific case you refer to the reason it is big is that it depends
on the Sdk runtime (because it uses developer tooling), which is much
larger than the normal runtime that non-devel apps use.
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