Verification of flatpaks using GPG

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Wed Jun 5 12:38:26 UTC 2019

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 2:36 PM Martin Sehnoutka <msehnout at> wrote:
> > So, given a flatpakrepo file with some arbitrary gpg key. How would it
> > know what that the author created that key? Keyserver? Can't anyone
> > add whatever they want to a keyserver? Chain of trust? Who defines the
> > trust roots?
> The key is stored in a DNS server and it uses DNSSEC to verify the key.
> So the chain of trust starts with the root zone signing key which is
> installed with the operating system. So as far as you trust the OS
> installation it should be fine :).
> It uses this algorithm:
> to map the email address associated with the GPG key into a domain.
> So the author of the flatpakrepo file must be in charge of the DNS
> server responsible for the mailserver domain. e.g. for Fedora signing
> keys this key:
> fedora-29 at
> maps to this domain:
> and you can get the key like this:
> $ dig <the-domain-from-above> OPENPGPKEY
> Of course it could be a problem for an individual who uses email from
> Gmail or similar server.
> I hope this answers the questions above.

Cool, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

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