Instructions for creating a signed repo

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Wed Jun 26 07:26:01 UTC 2019

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 9:16 AM Daniel Kasak < at> wrote:
> Hi all. I'd like to create a signed repo, so users don't have to run flatpak via sudo. What documentation is available for this? I've found:
> ".flatpakrepo files should include the base64-encoded version of the GPG key that was used to sign the repository."
>  ... but it doesn't say *how* exactly it should be included. Also I can't find any docs on the actual signing process.

You need to create a gpg key, and then run the various flatpak build
and build-update command with --gpg-sign=KEY-ID (and optionally, if
the key is not in your regular gpg dir in your homedir, add
--gpg-homedir=HOMEDIR). This will sign all the builds and the summary.

I actually have an old makefile that does the gpg generation if you
want a sample.
Feel free to use this or find some other gpg tutorial:

        if [ "x${KEY_USER}" == "x" ]; then echo Must set KEY_USER in
Makefile.config; exit 1; fi
        mkdir -p gpg
        gpg2 --homedir gpg --quick-gen-key ${KEY_USER}
        echo Enter the above gpg key id as RELEASE_GPG_KEY in Makefile.config

        sed -e 's|@URL@|${URL}|g' -e 's|@GPG@|$(shell gpg2
--homedir=gpg --export ${RELEASE_GPG_KEY} | base64 | tr -d '\n')|' $<
> $@

 Alexander Larsson                                Red Hat, Inc
       alexl at         alexander.larsson at

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