GitHub considered harmful

Michael Gratton mike at
Thu Oct 10 01:53:21 UTC 2019

On Wed, 9 Oct, 2019 at 18:12, Douglas Summers <ajgringo619 at> 
> FOSS is a movement against the tyranny of the big boys, that I totally
> agree with.

I'm glad you agree with me. Now that GitHub is now one of the big boys 
and is engaging in tyranny, I'm keen to do something about it.

> As far as the "ethical" problems that you mentioned above, that is 
> your opinion, and you're completely entitled to it and I'm not going 
> to debate its merits with you.

Good to hear. So if you don't care about the fate of the people 
currently interred in US-run concentration camps, please stop 
obstructing those that do.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

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