flatpak-builder, /app and dependent build

Alec Leamas leamas.alec at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 13:50:45 UTC 2021

Dear list,

Once again the flatpak world makes me feel silly :(

Have a simple app with a dependency (libgeotiff) which depends on
another module named proj (sic!). Both have a standard autotools setup.

Building proj is fine, but when it tries to install into /app/lib it
runs into a read-only filesystem error. So I give it an
--prefix=/app/extensions option, and it installs happily.

I then try to build libgeotiff. This one needs to find the proj library,
but this fails in configure. There is a specific option --with-proj
which I am using to point it to /app/extensions, but to no avail.

This works just fine in a regular environment, so my impression is that
the sandbox is my problem (?)

Any hint, out there?


PS: More or less updated manifest:

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