Crashes and hung processes

Anonymous Japhering japhering at
Mon Mar 8 19:34:37 UTC 2021

Flatpak  v1.10.1
LinuxMint  19.3   5.4.0-66-generic #74~18.04.2-Ubuntu SMP  x86_64

I've built  the flatpak version of Evolution, which for the most part runs as

Every so often a  network handshake fails and Evolution core dumps

   assertion failed: (priv->handshake_context)  Bail out! 
   assertion failed: (priv->handshake_context)
   /app/bin/evolution: line 33: 38 Aborted (core dumped) /app/bin/evolution.bin
And this is where things get interesting.    Most of the time  I can run  

   flatpak kill org.gnome.Evolution
To clean up what is left of the flatpak environment.   Typically after a crash,
I see something like this with ps:

   2988 2160 0 12:56 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/flatpak-session-helper
   8297 1      0 13:15 pts/5 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/flatpak-bwrap --args
   38 evolution
   8301 1     0 13:15 pts/5 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/flatpak-bwrap --args
   37 /usr/libexec/flatpak-dbus-proxy --args=41
   8302 8301 0 13:15 pts/5 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/flatpak-dbus-proxy --args=41
   8305 8297 0 13:15 pts/5 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/flatpak-bwrap --args 38
the 2 processes whose parent is INIT  are only killable sometimes and when I
can't kill them, I can't restart the flatpak version
of Evolution until I reboot the machine.

Yes, I've tried  kill  with INT, KILL and STOP to no effect.  Even tried CONT,
just in case it was waiting.

Any thoughts on how to chase this one down ?


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