appstreamcli compose broken
Matthias Klumpp
matthias at
Thu Dec 21 05:37:01 UTC 2023
Hi Daniel!
Am Do., 21. Dez. 2023 um 06:17 Uhr schrieb Daniel Kasak
< at>:
> [...]
> Run failed, some data was ignored.
> Errors were raised during this compose run:
> general
> E: filters-but-no-output
> biz.smartassociates.sdf
> E: icon-not-found
> Refer to the generated issue report data for details on the individual problems.
That's actually it, the `icon-not-found` issue is preventing the build
(and the filter error is just a consequence of that).
With the line
Renaming icon hicolor/16x16/apps/sdf.png to hicolor/16x16/apps/biz.
I also think I have a pretty good idea what is going on here ;-)
Can you please post the `icon` element of your metainfo file, or, if
that one doesn't exist, the `launchable` element of your metainfo file
as well as the desktop-entry file Icon= field?
The icon name *must* be "biz.smartassociates.sdf" now that Flatpak has
renamed that file, but I bet it is still "sdf", leading to the icon
not being found.
> Is there a way to get "appstreamcli compose" to be really verbose about what it's trying to do?
Yes, passing `--verbose --print-report=full` will make it do that, but
I don't know if you can make flatpak-builder pass these commands
> Also, I'm curious what's happened. Is this an update that's broken things for me?
I wonder if AppStream proper is a bit more strict here than asglib
was... But if it's the icon issue that I suspect above, then the old
implementation was probably a bit too relaxed.
I hope this helps!
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