appstreamcli compose broken

Matthias Klumpp matthias at
Thu Dec 21 07:46:39 UTC 2023

Am Do., 21. Dez. 2023 um 08:39 Uhr schrieb Daniel Kasak
< at>:
> Hi Mattias.
> Thanks again for the response :) I tried tweaking a few things, based on your email, but I'm still seeing the same error unfortunately.
> [...]
> Icon=biz.smartassociates.sdf.png

This all looks good, I am a bit surprised! But judging by the log,
there is one more thing that this could be: The AppStream spec
mandates a 64x64px icon, and it will render it from SVG images, but it
will *not* upscale a smaller icon by default.
So, if you provide bitmap icons and there isn't a suitable one, you
will also get this error (the full report's explanation message
actually mentions that).
If you really don't have a 64x64 icon provided, please add one and try
again! That might fix it :-)


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