[Fontconfig] 'Fixed' font using incorrect font

Chris Picton chrisp at tangent.co.za
Mon Sep 1 18:33:09 EST 2003

On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 09:19, Keith Packard wrote:
> Ah, you need to tell xfd that you're using a fontconfig name rather than a 
> core font name.  Try:
> $ xfd -fa 'fixed-10'

Not yet in the man page for xfd  :(

Now. back to the original problem.

I have found out that fixed-10 is using

How to I force it to use a different font for fixed-10 (without deleting
that file?)

Thanks for the help so far

        Chris Picton | PGP Key ID: 9D28A988 (wwwkeys.pgp.net)
 Solutions Developer | PGP Key Fingerprint:
     Tangent Systems | 2B46 29EA D530 79EC D9EA 3ED0 229D 6DD6 9D28 A988
chrisp at tangent.co.za | http://www.tangent.co.za/keys/chrisp.asc
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