[Fontconfig] kerning improvements

David Chester davidchester at gmx.net
Fri Sep 5 14:32:53 EST 2003

 I have a submitted a patch to freetype which improves kerning in the 
 autohinter.  Here are my posts on freetype's devel list: 
 At this time the McGill site which hosts the example images seems to be 
 down, but I put up the second graphic at: 
 Basically, errors from rounding the advance widths are remembered and 
 accounted for during layout, one level up (i.e. in Xft or ftstring, etc.).
 In the 
 posts above, I attached a patch which makes ftstring (from the ft2demos 
 package) able to take these errors into account.  However, I am unfamiliar
 the Xft code, and I am wondering how this might be implemented in Xft.     
 The patch has not yet been accepted, and it may eventually have a very 
 different implementation in the end, but it would be useful to know exactly
 this would work with Xft. 
 Thanks very much. 
 David Chester 

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