[Fontconfig] Seeking to override fonts in ~/.fonts.conf.

Philippe Anctil z77y16 at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 12 08:13:05 PST 2005

Hi everyone,

There are some fonts which I'd like to override for Arial. I have succeeded 
doing that with Helvetica by adding the following in my ~/.fonts.conf:


This trick does not appear to be working for "lucida sans" dans "bitstream 
vera sans". I wonder why. Am I using the right syntax or is there a better 
way to reach my goal?

Here are some pages I'm using to see if my preferred fonts are used:
http://www.gtk.org/faq/ - Uses helvetica by default. My override worked.
http://winehq.org/ - Uses bitstream vera sans, which I'm unable to override.
http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/4/i386/ - Uses 
lucida sans. I'm unable to override it.

I also have the impression my antialiasing settings aren't applied on lucida 
and bistream fonts, ie the shouldn't be aliased since same size arial does 
not get aliased.


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