[Fontconfig] fc-match and fc-match --sort disagree

Patrick Lam plam at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 3 21:39:02 PDT 2006

Satya Narayan Mishra wrote:
> Hi 
> I am new to fontconfig and don't know how all the innards work. I tried 
> to look in the docs, but didn't come up with anything.
> When I run fc-match Symbol I get Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"
> When I run fc-match --sort Symbol | head -1 I get: 
> opens___.ttf: "OpenSymbol" "Regular"
> I, of course, want the second to be used in the applications.
> I have in /etc/fonts/local.conf .
> <alias>
>   <family>Symbol</family>
>   <prefer>
>       <family>OpenSymbol</family>
>       <family>Standard Symbols L</family>
>   </prefer>
> </alias>

Yes, the results should be the same.  I don't quite know why they're 
not; that would be a bug.

It seems that <prefer> creates an FcValueBindingWeak (fcxml.c:1417), 
which causes the family-name to not get matched by FcFontMatch.  If line 
1417 created an FcValueBindingStrong instead, fc-match Symbol gives the 
apparently right thing.  Keith, any insights?  Is it a bug in 
FcFontMatch (this is in both 2.3.2 and 2.3.94) or in FcFontSort?


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