[Fontconfig] The cache fontconfig directory

Quanah Gibson-Mount quanah at stanford.edu
Wed Apr 5 18:41:58 PDT 2006

--On Wednesday, April 05, 2006 5:02 PM -0700 Quanah Gibson-Mount 
<quanah at stanford.edu> wrote:

> Is there any way to *not* use/disable the {localstatedir}/fontconfig
> directory?
> We use AFS at Stanford, and I do not want this created or used at all.  I
> tried making this be /var/cache/fontconfig, but this gives me permission
> denied errors on make install, and in any case, I want to make sure that
> fontconfig never tries to use whatever directory I set it to.

Also, the hardcoding of "cache" in the pkgconfigdir bit seems somewhat 
broken.  I'd expect a configure option to set the location (IF it is 
desired).  I'll note that /var/cache is only writeable by root, for 
example, on Debian boxes.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Developer
ITS/Shared Application Services
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html

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