[Fontconfig] Re: patch to fix endless loop in fc-cache

Patrick Lam plam at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 7 08:43:56 PST 2006

Mike FABIAN wrote:
> Patrick Lam <plam at MIT.EDU> さんは書きました:
>>Mike FABIAN wrote:
>>>by Takashi Iwai <tiwai at suse.de>.
>>>fc-cache did loop endless if a subdirectory was a symlink
>>>pointing to a directory higher up, e.g.
>>>ln -s /usr/share/fonts /usr/share/fonts/ttt
>>I've committed this patch.  The other patch doesn't seem to be
>>necessary; fontconfig-using apps don't crash for me (whether or not
>>they're creating global caches) when there's a symlink cycle in the
>>directory structure.
> It looks like you have committed both patches to CVS.
> And I think both were indeed necessary.

Yeah, I committed it after the loop in my .fonts prevented me from
logging in...


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