[Fontconfig] Re: Finding font filename

Mike FABIAN mfabian at suse.de
Thu Jan 5 09:34:43 PST 2006

Mike FABIAN <mfabian at suse.de> さんは書きました:

> Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> さんは書きました:
>> On Fri, 2005-12-23 at 03:26 +0100, Mike FABIAN wrote:
>>> With the latest fontconfig 2.4 branch (CVS checkout from today),
>>> this command doesn't list the full path anymore, only the base name:
>>> mfabian at magellan:~$
>>> Older versions of fontconfig listed the full path here:
>>> Was that an intentional change or is this a bug?
>> That would be a bug, but I thought it had been fixed.
> Apparently not because I tried with the latest CVS checkout.

Still happens with the CVS from today (fontconfig 2.4 branch):

mfabian at magellan:~$ fc-match -v "code2000" | grep file
        file: "CODE2000.TTF"(s)
mfabian at magellan:~$

mfabian at magellan:~$ fc-list : family file | grep -i code2000
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CODE2000.TTF: Code2000
mfabian at magellan:~$
Mike FABIAN   <mfabian at suse.de>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian

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