[Fontconfig] Relegating freefonts to the end of the <prefer> list

Simos Xenitellis simos74 at gmx.net
Wed Jul 5 03:05:14 PDT 2006

Hi All,
I filed a bug report,
to relegate Freefonts to the end of the <prefer> list. This means that
without much other configuration, the proper CJK fonts will be selected.

Of course, the correct solution is to add this support in fontconfig to
be able to "ignore" a range of glyphs in some fonts. As more
languages/scripts are being used, this fine-tuning on the availability
of glyphs in fonts is important to have. 

For example, Hindi and Nepalese share the same script, Devanagari. The
Nepali users may prefer a different Devanagari font.


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