[Fontconfig] Re: Luxi Mono

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Sat Nov 4 10:10:03 PST 2006

On Sat, 2006-11-04 at 07:40 -0500, Bob Tennent wrote:

> though I don't know why the second <match> ... </match> section seems to
> be required.

I got it to work without the second section, but I also made sure to run
the command as root so the system-wide cache file would be modified
instead of only a per-user cache file. fontconfig uses per-user cache
files only when a system-wide cache file is not found. Yes, this could
be considered a misfeature, but it is intentional at least. fc-cache
should probably emit a warning when an unwritable cache file already
exists for some directory.

You can explore the relationship between directories and cache files
using the fc-cat command; fc-cat -v will list the directory and
associated cache file names:

 $ fc-cat -v /local/xorg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF | head -2
Directory: /local/xorg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
Cache: /home/keithp/.fontconfig/afd267dbdc00aa02fa799a03524c6f9b-x86.cache-2

If you remove the cache file you can then re-run the command and see if
another cache file for the same directory exists on your system.
Eventually you should be able to clean your system of cache files for a
particular directory.

keith.packard at intel.com
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